
The Complete Martial Arts Management Solution
Simple, Straightforward Pricing

Paid Annually
Paid Monthly



(Regularly $199/month)


Equipped with tools for every aspect of business—from enrollment to retention.


Enjoy low rates starting at 2.9%.


Accelerate cash flow—and propel growth—with our managed billing services.


Add a fully-integrated, professional website for only an additional $75/month!

Martial arts instructor and group of 5 students taking a group photo, standing and posing on mat, laptop and mobile phone showcasing martial arts management software

The Complete Martial Arts Management Solution

 We’ve got you covered—from seamless lead gen and online enrollment to scheduling, billing, and retention tools.

•  Custom Websites

•  Email Marketing
•  SMS/Text Messaging
•  Registration & Lead Forms
•  Lead Gen & Management
•  Online Pro Shop
•  Tiered Membership Pricing Tool
•  Digital Contracts & Waivers

•  Point of Sale Solution

•  Flexible Schedule Types

•  Online Scheduling & Booking
•  Family Accounts
•  Check-In Kiosk
•  Automated Billing & Invoicing
•  CRM & Contact Management
•  Real-Time Dashboard
•  Staff Permissions

•  Reporting & Insights

•  Member Portal
•  Attendance Tracking
•  Belt Progress & Promotion Tracking

•  Online Sign-Ups, Renewals & Upgrades

•  Automated Emails & Texting
•  Delinquency Management
•  Contract Management
•  Inbound Member Services Center
•  Automated Pay by Voice System for Members

Book a live demo today!

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