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5 Budget-Friendly Ideas for Your Business’s Grand Opening Event
Client Question: I am opening a new business soon. Can you provide some ideas to drive traffic to my business on our grand opening event day?
Chances are good that you have invested a lot of money into starting your new business. Here I’ll provide some low-budget ideas for a grand opening celebration.
1. Inflatable Bouncy House
Rent an inflatable jumpy or bouncy to place in front of your business. If you don’t have a front lawn, rent a sky tube. Add balloons, yard signs, and gigantic banners out front that read, Grand Opening—anything that will make people look at your location. Use your connections, too. Know someone that owns a hot rod, race car, or chopper? See if they’ll let you borrow it. Place it out front to draw attention.
2. Hot Dogs, Soda, and Coupons
Offer free hot dogs and sodas throughout your event. Have visitors go inside your martial arts school or gym to get a coupon for the free food. In order to get the coupon, have them fill out an info card.
3. Postcards or Flyers
Create grand opening postcards or flyers. Donate $250 to your local high school football, soccer, baseball, or basketball teams. In return, ask them to put the postcards or flyers out in the neighborhood they live in. This is an easy way to get cards out for little to no money. It’s also a win-win for you and your local schools and sports teams. They need money, too, and will appreciate your donation.
4. Giveaways
Have hourly giveaways for gift cards to local restaurants and movie theaters. Have visitors fill out an info card to enter the drawing for the prizes. Make sure you keep their information and enter it in your member management software so you can follow up with them about joining your martial arts school or gym.
5. Merchandise
Giveaway t-shirts with your business name and logo. Drive around to local businesses, parks, and supermarkets. Invite the people you talk to take a class. Have an appointment book on hand. Make sure they know about the Grand Opening celebration.
Remember that your grand opening doesn’t have to be just a one-day or evening event. Make the most of your new business opening.
Consider running a one- or two-week celebration to keep the excitement and the momentum going.
Hope this helps,
About the author: Chuck Heacock is the owner of the Fitness Compound, a training facility that provides unparalleled fitness activities including Martial Arts classes, special boot camps, personal training, baseball, basketball, spinning, Zumba, cardio, and more. Chuck is also a sought-after fitness industry consultant.