Category: All



Communication Beyond the Mat: Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Martial Arts Student Retention

How do you keep your dojo family strong and thriving? It’s a question that goes beyond merely attracting new faces; it’s about nurturing the bonds within your existing student base. Think about it—every roundhouse kick… every belt earned… it’s all part of the journey that keeps your dojo humming. And, while top-notch instruction and curriculum… Read More »



Switching Your Members from Credit Card Payments to ACH

From lower transaction fees to improved cash flow, ACH payments can be a savvy business move for martial arts schools and fitness studios looking to streamline their payment processes and improve their bottom line. So, what do you do when most of your members currently pay by credit card? How do you transition your members… Read More »

ACH Payments & Cash Flow: What Every Martial Arts School & Fitness Studio Should Know

Did you know ACH payments can make things easier for businesses looking to simplify payments and boost profits? In fact, plenty of savvy martial arts and fitness business owners sing the praises of ACH payments as their go-to payment method for members—thanks to its cost-effectiveness. So, if you’re looking to improve your bottom line, it’s time… Read More »



Unlocking Success: 5 Marketing Tactics to Elevate Your Martial Arts & Fitness Event

Whether you’re running a week-long Summer camp or a one-hour self-defense seminar, the key to attracting event participants lies in effective marketing. In this post, we explore 5 powerful tactics designed to elevate your event, attract enthusiastic participants, and create a memorable experience for all involved. So, grab your gear and get ready to unlock… Read More »



5 Quick Tips to Boost Martial Arts School Profitability

Looking to boost profitability and long-term growth for your martial arts school? Well, come on in … you’re in the right place! Here we cover 5 swift tips to make increase your martial arts school profitability—and improve the financial well-being of your business:  1. Review and Adjust Your Martial Arts Membership Pricing Navigating a price… Read More »



2023 Year in Review: From New Pricing Tools to Greater Data Security

The start of a new year is a perfect time to look back and take stock of all that was achieved. And, while we’re bursting with pride for all we accomplished, what truly fills our hearts with gratitude are the invaluable partnerships we share with our valued clients. The vital feedback and constant support we… Read More »



7 Ways to Boost Your Dojo’s Financial Health in the New Year

The beginning of a new year is more than just turning a page on the calendar — it’s a golden opportunity to focus on strategic steps that boost your studio’s financial health and set the stage for long-lasting growth and success. Here, we unpack 7 essential steps that will help shape your business strategy, and… Read More »



How KPIs & Financial Monitoring Boost Growth for Martial Arts Schools

Setting up a routine for keeping an eye on your finances isn’t just a clever tactic—it’s the bread and butter that sets successful businesses apart from the pack. So, what key performance indicators (KPIs) should you monitor? And, how should you go about tracking and analyzing KPIs? Here, we provide a launchpad for you: diving… Read More »



Increasing Martial Arts School Cash Flow: 8 Revenue Streams

Do you rely solely on recurring membership fees for your cash flow? If so, you’re likely limiting your potential. Diversifying your revenue streams allows you to create a more stable financial foundation and unlock new opportunities for expansion. Here we’ll explore 8 revenue sources that can help you diversify income and support the financial success… Read More »



6 Ways to Increase Gym Revenue with Tiered Membership Pricing

We all know that keeping your members happy and sticking around is the name of the game. But, you can’t just rely on the same old tricks. You have to be innovative, always looking for ways to make things smoother and boost that bottom line. That’s where the tiered membership pricing magic comes in. Imagine… Read More »